When junk behavior occurs: Ignore the Junk
1) The Wait
Withholding any & all attention - both non-verbal and verbal from the problem behavior
Act like the junk behavior has no effect at all: Say nothing, do nothing in regards to the junk.
Might involve continuing on with the lesson
Ex) My student makes inappropriate noises while I’m teaching a lesson, instead of stopping the lesson, I ignored the junk, and continued on with the lesson.
2) The Pivot
Pivot to someone else and give them attention / praise for what they are doing (while you WAIT)
Pivot to something else (e.g., sheet of paper, book, anything that we can show is more interesting then the junk behavior).
3) The Prompt
Clearly & concisely tell the student what to do instead of the junk behavior
Ex) “Walk with me.” or “Sit down.” or “What number is that?”
Remember, we are NOT saying anything about the junk behavior
The Prompt is NO MORE than 2-7 word directives that cues the student to do SOMETHING (an appropriate alternative)
Do not nag = Do NOT make repetitive requests to do something = WAIT 5-10 seconds in between prompts
Prompts can be
Verbal directives - Gestures - Visual - Written - Model
If Prompt does NOT result in appropriate behavior & junk behavior continues: WAIT
4) Reinforce / give feedback for APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR
Even if junk behavior still occurs, an option is to call attention to what the student is doing right.
Ex) Student is talking about boogers, yet is sitting with me and opening their book, I might say “Thanks for opening your book…”
If this option does NOT result in more appropriate behavior, go back to WAIT or PROMPT
5) When junk behavior STOPS or an appropriate behavior occurs
PIVOT back to the student & provide immediate attention / feedback.
6) If junk behavior occurs again
Hunt for positive behaviors to reinforce - Do NOT WAIT too Long!